Lesson series
From Colonization to Heterosexism and Sexism
This anti-oppression e-course will examine the link between white Christian colonization in the Americas and the evolution of heterosexism and sexism in the 20th and 21st century. Understanding the corollary between eurocentric morality and imposition of gender and sexual inequity is key to dismantling these two dominant mechanisms of oppression. Unpacking one's own bias around these complex identities is also a fundamental step in the process followed up by determining the power we have to replicate or interrupt oppression.
Meet the instructor
Chris D'souza
Chris D'souza has been an educator, equity and human rights strategist for over 30 years. He has taught elementary and secondary school and at the Faculty of Education at York University and Brock University. He has written policies for the Ministry of Education and has consulted with numerous Ministries including Corrections, HealthCare and the Ministry of the Attorney General. His programmes focus on “Identity Literacy”, “Foundations in Equity” and “Competing Rights”. In the past 15 years he has conducted over 3,000 lectures, workshops, keynotes and anti-oppression programmes. Recent clients include Coaches Canada, Agriculture Canada, United Way (Halifax) and the Chilliwack Public School Board.